Stichting Effectief Doneren

Bram Schaap
Eigenaar van Stichting Effectief Doneren


We received a request for 80 to 100 people on December 8, 2023. The contact with owner Bram Schaper was super nice. Bram is very passionate, enthusiastic and friendly. The aim of the event was to show the guests where their donation has the most impact in 3 categories: “poverty, health”, “climate” and “animal welfare and the food transition”.

Bram asked if he could have the books that he wanted to distribute afterwards delivered to us a few days prior to the event. Bram also had special wishes regarding snacks and drinks. He wanted everything served to be vegan and that there were sufficient non-alcoholic options.


Solution Meet Tuesday

Getting the books delivered was no problem at all. We had prepared everything down to the last detail to relieve Bram's worries. The “UnbeaTable” room had been booked and was ready in a theater style with extra high tables for the panel discussions. Registration tables at reception and a high table for signing the books were also ready. Afterwards there was a nice drink in our lounge.

Our largest room has a built-in sound system. This is ideal for events like these. The sound from the microphones and the screen comes from speakers in the ceiling, so everyone in the room can hear everything clearly. We had arranged headsets and microphones so that the speakers did not have to hold a microphone. Everything had been tested in advance so that it would run smoothly. Various screens in the room ensured that all guests could follow the presentations clearly. Afterwards there was a nice drink in our lounge so that all guests had the opportunity to network and talk about this fantastic cause.

Arranging vegan snacks was done. Our sweet bites are already vegan as standard. We also purchased vegan and non-alcoholic wine, along with other vegan hot snacks for the (networking) drinks.


Customer about this assignment

The event was very successful and Bram was super enthusiastic! “Meet Tuesday is businesslike, warm, professional and stylish. The quality of the facilities is excellent, really excellent. If I were to give it a grade of 9 and ask you how it could become a 10, I would have difficulty describing it.

It's just right, the concept is very good, it's well put together. The professionalism of the staff, the entrance, the conviviality around the bar in combination with the different areas. The rooms are also well characterized, all the facilities you need are there. Everything is in harmony with each other. That's right.

At Meet Tuesday they are very flexible. The staff is very hospitable, helpful and attentive. That is certainly the strongest point.”

Visual chit

Looking for a meeting location? Or do you have questions about our facilities?

An inspiring interior, modern spaces, good location, on-demand service: Tuesday is fully designed to make your meeting, gathering or training fun and meaningful.

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